00:00 – Welcome! 00:06 – Zach H. – Are bug bounty programs effective? 01:09 – John S. – Bug bounty VS full product analysis – use issue tracker for 3rd party code, libraries 02:29 – Zach H. – Bug bounties VS full-time analyst. Community-based. 03:15 …
In this video, Kent Ickler and Jordan Drysdale discuss the intricacies of designing job functionality and functional security, focusing on least privilege principles within Active Directory environments.
https://www.antisyphontraining.com/course/getting-started-in-security-with-bhis-and-mitre-attck-with-john-strand/ This 16-hour information security training class is designed for people who are new to computer security. We will cover the core fundamentals with lots of hands-on labs demonstrating the attacks and defenses every security professional must know to be successful. 🔗 Register for webcasts, …
https://www.antisyphontraining.com/course/getting-started-in-security-with-bhis-and-mitre-attck-with-john-strand/ This 16-hour information security training class is designed for people who are new to computer security. We will cover the core fundamentals with lots of hands-on labs demonstrating the attacks and defenses every security professional must know to be successful. 🔗 Register for webcasts, …
https://www.antisyphontraining.com/course/getting-started-in-security-with-bhis-and-mitre-attck-with-john-strand/ This 16-hour information security training class is designed for people who are new to computer security. We will cover the core fundamentals with lots of hands-on labs demonstrating the attacks and defenses every security professional must know to be successful. 🔗 Register for webcasts, …
https://www.antisyphontraining.com/course/getting-started-in-security-with-bhis-and-mitre-attck-with-john-strand/ This 16-hour information security training class is designed for people who are new to computer security. We will cover the core fundamentals with lots of hands-on labs demonstrating the attacks and defenses every security professional must know to be successful. 🔗 Register for webcasts, …
Network Security Monitoring (NSM) is a critical component of modern cybersecurity strategies, providing continuous surveillance of network traffic to detect and respond to potential threats. Join us for a free one-hour Antisyphon Anti-cast on “Intro to Network Security Monitoring (NSM): Implementation & Analysis,” with instructor, …
This webcast was originally published on September 25, 2024. In this video, Josh Mason discusses the principles of influence and how they can be applied to cybersecurity. He delves into using techniques from Dale Carnegie and Robert Cialdini to build better relationships within a company, …
Burnout isn’t just about being tired or not wanting to go to work. It might show up as avoiding anything work-related or getting easily irritated when work comes up in conversation. Your emotional fuse may become shorter, and your mind may not be as sharp as you know it can be.