Looking for a little help in preparing for the CISSP certification but don’t want to spend a fortune? Look no further, Secure Ideas has developed a mentorship program designed to provide the knowledge necessary to pass the certification! Can this program get any better? Why yes, …
Join John Strand for the upcoming run of his Pay-What-You-Can class, “SOC Core Skills,” which begins June 12th -15. Come for the learning, stay for the rants and John’s face memes! In preparation watch this past Black Hills Information Security webcast, “The SOC Age Or, A Young …
Chris Brenton‘s Pay-What-You-Can course “Getting Started in Packet Decoding” is running from June 6th to the 9th! Want to get a taste of his teaching style? Here’s a past livestream with where he teaches how to go through PCAP files with Zeek! Watch and don’t forget …