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Anti-Cast: New Year, New Skills: Web App Pentesting with Jennifer Shannon

January 10, 2024 @ 12:00 pm 1:00 pm EST

In a world where web applications are the new battleground.

Hackers are constantly looking for ways to exploit them and steal your secrets, sabotage your network, or harm your customers.

But you are not alone…

Jennifer Shannon is here to help you fight back.

In this free one-hour Antisyphon Anti-cast, Jennifer will teach you how to test your web applications and find the vulnerabilities before they do.

She will show you the tools, the techniques, and the tricks of the trade.

This is not just a Anti-cast… This is a mission.

Are you ready to join?

Chat with your fellow attendees in the Antisyphon Discord server:
in the #🍿anticasts-chat channel

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