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Antisyphon Training Goes to BSidesCharm!

We have partnered with BSides Charm and purchased a block of tickets to the conference. Purchase an in-person training class and you will receive a complementary conference ticket.

Antisyphon Training will be at BSidesCharm this April in Towson, MD!

We have partnered with BSidesCharm and purchased a block of tickets to the conference. A complementary conference ticket is yours with the purchase of an in-person Antisyphon Training class associated with the event. BSidesCharm is a Baltimore, Maryland regional Security BSides event.

Please Note: The main BSidesCharm event is April 29-30, 2023. Antisyphon Training classes will be given on April 27 & 28, 2023.

Class Info

Classes by Antisyphon: April 27 & 28, 2023

  • Advanced Endpoint Investigations – Jake Williams
  • Advanced Network Threat Hunting – Chris Brenton
  • HackerOps – Ralph May
  • Incident Response Foundations – Derek Banks
  • Intro to PenTesting – John Strand
  • Modern WebApp Pentesting – BB King
  • Network Forensics and Incident Response – Troy Wojewoda

Check these links for details about the classes offered.

Registration for live training includes an invitation to the Pre-Con Fun & Games Thursday night at the Sheraton Baltimore North Hotel.

Class Info | Pre-Con Fun & Games!

Pre-Con Fun & Games!

Baltimore Meet-Up | Thursday, April 27th, 6-9 p.m. ET | Sheraton Baltimore North Hotel 
Got crabs? 😉

This is an open invitation to the entire infosec community in the Baltimore/DC and surrounding areas. We’ve gotten a chance to introduce ourselves to so many of you through our webcasts, podcasts, training classes, and livestreams and now we’d like to meet you, introduce to others in your community, and hang out and have a great time! 

Here are the activities we have planned for you:

  • Whose Slide is it Anyway, with rand0h
    You’ve seen this rolling cavalcade of insanity at DEF CON. Now see it covered in Old Bay as contestants attempt to present slides they’ve never seen in front of hundreds of their closest friends. If we’re lucky some of those slides may be written by robots we forced to hallucinate.
  • Backdoors & Breaches demos and competition
  • Lots of laughs, smiles, and new friends
  • Slightly awkward social interactions that will get less awkward as the night goes on


Hope to see you and get to know you at our big meet-up in Baltimore!

The Pre-Con Fun & Games are free. They do require registration, though.
This is a live-only event for the Baltimore infosec community and other friends who happen to be in the area that night. 🙂
Be advised, the parking garage at the hotel does cost a little money.

BHIS is proud to be a Gold Sponsor for BSides Charm 2023.
Antisyphon Training is part of the BHIS Tribe of Companies.

Black Hills Information Security - Est. 2008