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Antisyphon Cyber Range: Summertime Fun!

A Norman Rockwell style image showing people laughing and smiling and enjoying the Fourth of July.

Hey everybody!

Can you believe it’s summer already?!? (Here in the Northern hemisphere, anyway.) After all, last week was the solstice, which means days will start getting shorter in the Northern hemisphere and longer in the Southern hemisphere. The times, they are a changin’!

Here in the U.S., we are also looking forward to the Fourth of July, an iconic American holiday commemorating the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the birth of the United States. It is a day marked by dazzling fireworks displays, parades, and gatherings with friends and family. On this day, Americans come together to celebrate freedom, honor their history, and reaffirm their shared values of liberty, equality, and unity.

Some of us also like doing CTF challenges. 😉

For screenshots and descriptions of this week’s additions, see below.

Good luck and have fun!
The Cyber Range Team

P.S. If you’re not already signed up for the BHIS Antisyphon Cyber Range, the following page has screenshots, info, and, of course, a link where you can sign up and join in the fun: