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Antisyphon Cyber Range: Getting June Off to a Sweet Start

Chocolate ice cream

Hey everybody!

Did you know that June 7 is National Chocolate Ice Cream Day! Yum!

June is host to a lot of holidays, including Father’s Day, Pride Month, Juneteenth, Global Running Day, World Bicycle Day, National Hazelnut Cake Day, National Gingerbread Day, and National Strawberry Shortcake Day, to name a few. June also features the June solstice which kicks off Summer or Winter, depending on whether you are in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere. With so much going on, you may be hard pressed to find time for all these challenges!

For screenshots and descriptions of this week’s additions, see below.

Good luck and have fun!
The Cyber Range Team

P.S. If you’re not already signed up for the BHIS Antisyphon Cyber Range, the following page has screenshots, info, and, of course, a link where you can sign up and join in the fun: