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Antisyphon Cyber Range: Cranberries & Criminals

An image depicting a Thanksgiving dinner.

Hey everybody! 

Can you believe it’s Thanksgiving again! For those of us in the U.S., that’s a big deal, and an iron-clad excuse to overindulge in turkey, cranberry sauce, and other delectable delights!  

And since a lot of you may have extra time on your hands, we’re dishing up a set of forensics challenges to help you while away the hours between bingeing on your favorite holiday foods. Gobble, gobble! 

For screenshots and descriptions of this week’s additions, see below. 

Good luck and have fun! 
The Cyber Range Team 

P.S. If you’re not already signed up for the BHIS Antisyphon Cyber Range, the following page has screenshots, info, and, of course, a link where you can sign up and join in the fun: