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Reporting for Pentesters w/ BB King

Reporting for Pentesters w/ BB King

This class is a distillation of what I’ve learned in my pentesting career about how to create a report that is both easy to read and hard to misunderstand. I will help you develop habits and support materials that simplify the work of reporting so you can get better results with less effort.

Ask anyone who signs the checks which is worth more: a clear and actionable report from a tester with average technical skills, detailing how vulnerabilities were found and exploited, showing the impact of those exploits, and making concrete recommendations for improvement? Or a hastily-assembled list of compromised systems, thrown together by an elite hacker in the last hour of the contract after running a rampage through your networks?

If you want to set yourself apart, work on your reporting skills. The hacks are ephemeral. The report lives forever. The hacks are fun – and they require your constant effort to keep current. The reporting is what makes this all a viable career – and once you know how to produce a good one, you can apply that skill endlessly as the computing world changes around you.

This course helps you know what makes a good report good. It discusses the reporting mindset, and the foundational principles that always lead to a report you can be proud of, regardless of the tools you use for the test or for writing the report. We will look at some real reports as examples, and work together on ways to improve in the areas that are most important, as well as those that are most commonly neglected.

Reporting for Pentesters w/ BB King

Instructor: BB King
Course Length: 16 Hours
Tuition: $104.50 USD

This Antisyphon Training Course is available On-Demand.

This page is for the On-Demand version of this course. Please check our Live Events Calendar for any live presentations of this class currently scheduled.

About Our On-Demand Courses…

This Antisyphon Training Course is available On-Demand.

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Trainer & Author

Brian "BB" King
Brian “BB” King

BB King has been pentesting webapps since 2008. He was the second hire into his employer’s application security team at a time when “PCI” was brand new and long before bug bounty programs – when experienced webapp pentesters had to be made, not found. His internal training and coaching efforts built a successful team of 30 testers, few of whom had significant experience pentesting before joining the team.

BB believes that webapps are the best targets for pentesting because although they all look familiar on the surface, they’re all different, often in surprising ways. Each webapp is a collection of puzzles for a pentester and the first puzzle is figuring out where the other puzzles are! Once you get started, each test can be an engaging chance to practice your problem-solving skills and dive into new technologies.